Its always hard to be just a friend to a girl you like more than a friend. It straight up hurts but you can easily change this by doing a few things. Now im just going to tell you know these things take guts, confidence and you have to be willing to risk your friendship but it will be far worth it in the end.
First thing you want to remember is do this little by little, coming on too strong is going to freak her out. It needs to be a gradual thing that get stronger and stronger over time as you can tell its working.
Okay now that I paved some guidelines for you lets get right into this:
Flirting. You need to flirt with her. Now if you don't know what flirting is I will tell you. Flirting is a way of showing how much you like her in small hints that entertain and influence her mind. Now that may sound complicated but its really just showing an interest or showing that you like her without saying it, its all about subtle hints. Flirting can be really really fun especially when you get your target(the girl you like) to flirt back which is your goal. I'm not just saying you should flirt because its something to do, Its something that is necessary to acquire attraction and you need her to be attracted to you to break out of the friend mode.
There are advanced techniques but I will write about those later, we are going to focus on the basics. The more you use flirting the better chance you will get really smooth at it and it will become second nature. So practice everywhere you are at!
With flirting you need to give a little and see what happens because its no fun to be the only one flirting especially if you are trying to get this girl. If she flirts back you continue, if not you just lay low and try again some other time.
A good starting technique of flirting is teasing. Now for an example of teasing is making fun of her. Go out of your way while you hang out with her and tease her. Depending on the situation of course, Say something like "I bet i can X better than you" and when she comes back with "pshh I bet i can beat you at that!" once you get her going you are in! As you see with flirting you kind of have to build it up and set things right before you begin. Just as you set the example above that's what it takes to flirt. From there it can be really fun and playful, don't get discouraged if you fail at first it happens and you will soon overcome that by doing it over and over. Repetition is your greatest friend in the flirting game as well as everything else you do in life.
Another nice beginners technique that is within flirting is giving unique compliments. Saying something that is creative and you can guarantee no one has ever said to her. The reason why you would do this is because it makes your target feel special and its more genuine than saying "you look pretty". That is lame you must come with something way better than that! A unique compliment that points out something that makes her feel pretty can drastically change your friend status to boyfriend overnight, depending on how effective you are with it. For example: "I really like the way you matched your shirt with your shoes" this is a winner every time. Unique compliments work because you are taking notice, and girls love to be noticed that is the whole reason they get dressed nice! So try giving a really unique compliment and see how she reacts. Note, this is something you want to abuse, the more you use it the less effective it gets. Use it sparingly maybe once every other time you see her.
The next way of flirting is using keno. Keno is just a fancy word for using touch for attraction. Sometimes being touched can strike up emotions and may even make your target realize they like you too. To do this you want to touch her during conversation and no i don't mean grabbing that's creepy. If she says something funny lightly touch her on the shoulder as you are laughing.
To use keno effectively goes the same as compliments, use it sparingly and don't overdue it especially if the girl isn't reacting good when you use keno. As we learned in the body language tip you must be conscious of her body language to figure out if the keno is working. If she is using keno right after you do than this is a easy sign, you are in man! On the flip side If she isn't touching you back during conversations and you notice her backing up from you than just refrain from doing such things it may be too much too soon but if it works, more power to you. If you can master all 3 of these teachings you will soon be a boyfriend and no more just a friend and you will know the answer to the question "does she like me"!
If you keep trying and aren't getting any good results and she is showing clear signs through body language aswell as verbally, dump it and try something else or move on to someone else. :)
Coming soon Does she like me: Tip #4 "Setting up the perfect first date"
Until then later - Trizz
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