How to Impress a girl? The answer is dont.

How to Impress a girl?!

So obviously you came here because there is this special girl that you are trying to get to like you. Now your probably racking your brain right now trying to figure out how to impress this girl, right? You've tried everything and still coming up empty handed right?

I know this is going to sound dumb but its the honest truth, to impress a girl you must stop worrying about impressing her in the first place. Yes I said it, stop all together with the worrying and obsession of having to bribe your way for her love and affection. The reason you should stop worrying is because do you really want to be around a girl that is only around you because you are bending over backwords for her? Doing all the right things all the time to the point of exhaustion?!

Hey Ive been there and done that, heck I went broke physically and mentally trying to impress and it flat out sucked! I just didn't understand it, I was doing all the things beavers dad did in leave it to beaver and never any results from these girls! What was the answer? Well I figured it out, keep reading..

The reason you should stop worrying is because do you really want to be around a girl that is only around you because you are bending over backwords for her? Doing all the right things all the time to the point of exhaustion?!

It would be like your best buddy only hanging out with you because you buy him ciggarettes.

Let me just use an example, say your with this girl and you have been doing things to impress her for months, you have been bending over backwords for her approval and suddenly you slip up the act, you snap. Shes going to smell bullshit and your whole stupid plan will backfire. All that time supposedly doing "the right things" and bam nothing, its like putting money into a piggy bank with a whole at the bottom, a bottomless pitt of unhappiness.

I know several guys that pull this impressing a girl junk and the girls always seems to shit on them, literally. They are clueless when it comes to this, like deer in headlights, only to be used up and left on the side of the road. They will seriously go on and on, rant and rave about how they said the right things, did all the right things (open doors, smile, paid for the date etc) and still they aren't going home with the girls. They act like they are champs of the universe!

What do you think their problem is?

Are they ugly? Smelly? Dress horribly? Not buying expensive gifts for them?

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, its none of these and sure as hell should not be buying any expensive gifts for a girl that you dont know you will even know a week from now, let alone another date.

The problem is none of the above, the true problem is they dont respect themselves.
Bottom line, no respect for yourself leaves you at the door like a door mat, girls walking all over you for the great benefits you provide, heck your a walking talking atm machine that they dont and wont even have to kiss! Oh, another perk of being a kiss-ass is holding their heavy bags from jcpennys, you bought it and you get to help lug it around the mall, how nice, NOT!

By doing all the cliche impressing tactics the girl will get annoyed and soon be too turned off to even give you a kiss on the cheek at the end of the night.

Now if your confused on why women would be turned off by overly impressing htem, well the answer is they are like you, yes they are girls and have boobs but they want a challenge you want, would you play a video game that has one difficulty and is extremely easy which each level being just as easy as before? I dont think you would infact, even if you tried it would get boring and predictable and you would be bound to burn the damn thing and throw it out the window. Girls dont want to mate with someone that is a pushover, they want to obtain something rare.

Why do you think women like the bad boys in movies and on tv? Its because they are being theirself, they dont try to impress. Those bad boys in movies and on tv are doing what they want and nobody is going to stop them nor give them permission to do so, they just do it. They have goals, dreams and they arent going to sugar coat things.

With the bad boy attitude (which really means just being yourself and doing the things you want when you want) attracts women and keeps them wanting you. The funny thing about the truth about impressing is that it takes even less effort to attract and impress women with this. I like to think of it as being a romantic bad boy. Being interesting, complicated, busy and yet being a lover, a sweety etc. This combination works best.

Impressing women is not suppose to be complicated we just make it complicated. There isn't a method or recipe thats going to help your chances 100%, the only method is sticking to you and what you truly are and what you truly want. Be yourself, put yourself first and at the same time always be sweet and caring to the girl you like. When you know what you want, you will find others wanting you.

I know I got kinda off topic but that happens, all and all I think I laid out some valuable things here. Hell Chances are you've got some homework to do, you need to apply what you read and experiement with it, try saying no for once, dont always say the same things, switch things up. Hang out with your guy friends, show her that you can lead. Gold is rare because its a challenge to find, be that gold and you'll never go wrong. So impress me by leaving the impressing in the garbage where it belongs!

A question to ask yourself: Are you attracted to real people or fake people and why? Let me know what you come up with in the comment section. Thanks - Trizz

1 comment:

  1. Haha I'm starting a blog on how to impress girls and I feel somewhat down after reading this. But I actually agree with most of your points. I suppose my blog is more for impressing a girl you already HAVE, just to make her feel better. But great blog! Lots of text hahaha

    Check me out at if you want! (I just started today though ha)
