A prop is something you carry that strikes conversation. It represents what you are about, kind of like a mini advertisement for yourself. I know it sounds simple but this is a very effective thing to get girls to strike conversations with you. Its pretty easy once you get the idea.
The good thing about carrying props is that most of the time it gets the girl (your target) talking to you first so really you don't have to do much work, only carrying around your prop of choice. A prop can be anything from an umbrella to a famous novel, they are strictly things that make yourself look like you are interesting/attractive. So interesting in fact that girls will strike up conversations with you. This technique works a lot better when you are consistently in the same place where your target (the girl) is. Meaning at work, at church etc. I'm not saying you cant do it with complete strangers but its easier to do when you have time around the girl. Ill explain below.
Picking a prop is all about strategy and a little planning. I would not choose to carry around a book if I never read it because the girl may ask you about the book. So try to pick something you know a little bit about or something you actively like/participate in.
If you know a bit about your target already (this is important) you can figure out what to bring based on what she likes. For example if she is into soccer, wear a soccer jersey, if she likes a certain band wear a t-shirt with that band on it, You get it? You need to pick props that will identify you with something familiar for her and that strikes an interest.
Girls believe in the whole fate thing and if a random guy shows up with something off the wall that they are interested in, they will think its fate and will want to know more about you. This is where the whole them coming to you thing plays out. This is also so effective because it makes the girl think that it was her idea to talk to you and it keeps things really low key.
Im going to do a mock conversation on how it can work for you:
*Scene* (You are in your office break room making coffee in your metocre bruce springstien shirt you recently bought)
(You see that the girl you like is coming near the coffee maker.)
Her: "I like your shirt!"
You: "Oh thanks Bruce is awesome, have you ever been to any oh his shows?"
Her: "No but I'd love to go to one"
You: "Me too in fact I believe hes coming into town next week, we should go!"
Her: "That would be awesome, here's my my email address/phone number. Let me know more about it!"
You walk away with confidence as you think to yourself, "damn that was like taking candy from a baby!"
Now I know that was a little dream like but hey it can work like this, you may not get a phone number or email address right off the bat but it will get you in her head, which is half the battle. You will be amazed on what you can do with just the opening to a first conversation using a prop. From that moment on you can then approach her because you now have something in common and there will always be something there for you to say or ask her. You've opened up a golden opportunity, its the beginning of a great thing.
Additional prop tips and rules:
- Dont flash the prop around too much its to obvious that way, you want the prop to do all the work for you. Being subtle is key.
- If she doesn't show up in certain area's the first day dont give up, consitency is key. The more you use the prop around the more chance you will cross her path and she will notice you.
- If you work in an office, walk by her cubicle (after hours) and see if she has anything which shows any interests you could possibly use for your prop. If she has something that stands out and can prop-able use it!
Until next time -Trizz
Coming soon: Advanced mini lesson #2 Dating phone rules, Dont you think about calling her the first night
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