To have a good first date you must put in a little bit of preparation. No this doesn't mean you need to take hours out of your day or spend a lot of money. In fact you don't want to spend that much money at all. I will explain this a little later on why but first lets dive into some date preparation.
First off lets talk about your looks. You are going to want to look sharp but lets not overdue it. I say that because yes looks are important don't get me wrong but you want to have your personality be the best thing you have going for you because that's what wins people over. Good looks are just an added bonus. We all know this to be true, there is some good looking women but do they have nice personality, heck no! So stay away from solely relying on looks because looks don't matter as much in the long-term scheme of things.
I got off topic a bit there but what I said is important. Depending on if its a blind date or you already know this girl, Simply look your best but not too far off from how you would normally dress. The only exceptions are if you are going to a fancy restaurant and as you may not know this is bad for a first date. Simply because its highly pressured, awkward, stuffy and its not good enough atmosphere for great conversation. What i recommend is going to a nice coffee place having a cup of coffee, sitting in a nice comfy seat and just have fun talking and getting to know each other. This will be more effective than going on 5 dates at fancy restaurants and its cheaper too!
The whole point of going on dates is to learn as much as you can about the girl so you can figure out if you want to invest in any more time with her or move on. That is the purpose so get down with talking talking and more talking. This approach is much better because you aren't going to waste each-others time, you will easily realize that shes not for you after one long coffee date, in fact i guarantee it! Once you realize the true reason for going on dates you will start to get it. This is where a lot of guys go wrong, they do all the cliche things to impress but it doesn't hold any real substance, its the BS way to do dates. None of that flashy stuff ends up getting you the girl, it just wastes time, funds and its an easy way to get used.
A girl that you want to date is one that would be happy to go to McDonald's. Seriously this is the type of girl you want! Low maintenance is key! No you don't have to be a cheapskate and im not saying you should be but just be conscious on what you want. Know you don't want to have to always have to impress her she should be content just to be hanging out with you, because you are a cool guy. Having that attitude on the date along with making her feel special is a good game plan. Everything with moderation!
Budget dating can be really interesting because it instantly makes you creative and creativity is where its at to keep a girl interested. You know how people say they would rather have a hand written card then a store bought one? Its works the say with dates, get creative and she will love you for it trust me! Instead of going to the entertainment (movies and expensive shows), you are the entertainment so keep it interesting random but not too random where its creepy or you are seen as unstable :).
Okay that was a lot of rambling but again very necessary details that I will go in further detail later! So anyways getting back focused with the date, here is the game plan:
- First look sharp but don't go too far from your natural style you want to show an polished yet accurate version of yourself because it shows the real you and you want her to like the real you.
- Put on the clothes you feel comfortable with. Pick her up of course, open her door for her(make her feel special give her a nice UNIQUE compliment when you first see her)
- Use what you learned in the recent articles about body language, actions and using the various techniques from "Going from a friend to a boyfriend". Doing this is vital! I mean VITAL don't bother reading any more if you haven't read those short guides first as these are going to be special advantages during the date, giving you an unstoppable edge
- During date make sure not to talk to much about yourself, this isn't all about you its about your girl you are pursuing so if you really want to pursue her ask questions about her! It only makes sense!
- The first date is going to be a little nerve racking at first but this is something that will pass soon so take in those feelings and bask yourself in it, as its not going to be lasting long.
- Make sure to pay for her coffee or dinner depending on what you decided.
- I'm going to reiterate about where to take her on the date. Dinners is too much eating and face it no ones going to be actually eating the food. You and your date are going to be far to nervous to indulge in the steak dinner you decided to order.
- Going to the movies can be fun but its not too engaging as far as getting to know each other, stick to face to face things this is pretty romantic. Get creative! If the dates going good take her to the park afterwords or something intellectually engaging.
- Dont kiss her on the first date even though its tempting, you have to fight it. It sounds lame but you do this because its romantic. If you want kiss her cheek, this will keep her wondering and will keep her on the edge(which will make her think about you all night). Another reason why not to kiss her on the first date is because it creates mystery and is attractive, it keeps her guessing.
- Be unpredictable, i cant stress that enough you dont want her to be able to predict every move you make.
I hope this helps a lot, until next time - trizz
Coming soon: Advanced mini lesson #1: Attract Girls Using Props
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