Advanced mini lesson #5 Playing hard to get, gets girls the easy way

Now if you have never heard of playing hard to get, the concept is very simple let me explain the concept. Playing hard to get promoted a challange and girls love challanges, they want what they cant have. Therefor you need to play hard to get to get the girls we want.

Playing hard to get is much like when you were little and you wanted a toy but your parents wouldn't buy it for you. You really wanted it after that and in a sense since you were denied the toy you wanted it even more. That is the basis of being hard to get. You must be exclusive, dont give alot of your time up for free you have to make her work for it.

Playing hard to get not only attracts the ladies but it also keeps than around for more!

To apply this in the real world you must act exclusive to the girl you like. Now I know it doesn't logicaly make sense to purposely blow off a girl but in the long run it sparks even more attraction because the girl is in the chase mode and that is very attractive! Chances are you may even realize why you like some women its probably because they are playing hard to get and let me tell you, you can play that game right back!

So heres some examples you can apply to playing hard to get with a girl you like:

1. When talking on the phone to a girl you like, always be the one to end the conversation first! I say this because you want to look like you have a life other than talking to her for hours on end. The reason you want to do this is because it will make you more attractive and it will leave her wanting more and this is what we want!

2. Dont always say yes to doing things that she wants to do. You want to switch it up, sometimes say yes other times say that you are busy and maybe some other time. The key is dont be an asshole just be assertive and let her know you have a thing for her but you have things you want to do too.

3. An effective technique is to compliment her and bash her at the same time. Something like "I like your hair but I dont like X" this keeps you being nice but at the same time not a kiss ass. This works wonderful!

4. People want what they cant have so make sure your not easily available all the time. Hint: your going to need to be available 50 % of the time otherwise you will be labeled as an asshole. 50% is a good number to go by!

5. Be flirtatious and at the same time guarded. Keep her guessing! This mix keeps you in the hard to get mode but will also benefit and make girls fall in love with you aswell!

Your final goal with playing hard to get is to get the girl you want. Once you get the girl you desire dont just quit playing hard to get but the choice is yours. Relationships evolve over time but dont forget what initialy attracted the girl you like to come your way. Totally changing your attitude on her will confuse her and make her regret things, so dont do that.

As you've learned playing hard to get makes you a bad boy and girls like bad boys because they cant be controlled, they are unpredictable and there is a chase that is attractive!

Playing hard to get is something you have to be consistent with, its not something you can try once to a girl and then the next time you see you go back to your kiss ass attitude NO! You must keep it up and let her know that thats how you are! If you slip up and forget how to act she is going to notice this and the attraction will be subtracted! So try as hard as you can to stay in character and soon it will come automatic and girls will be lineing up for your attention!

This is meant for an introduction to playing hard to get, More on playing hard to get in the future. trizz

Coming soon: on Does She Like Me: Should I pay on the first date?

Does she like me Advanced mini lesson #3 How to take your friends girlfriend

Now I know its nothing personal, your friend has a super hot girlfriend and you want her. Infact you want her so bad that you dont really care about loosing your friend to get her. Where would you even start? Well first I want to introduce you to a term called "The Cock Block". Now I know it sounds silly but ill explain. Cock block basically means that you are going to do something specific to block another male(your friend) from getting what you have your eyes set on which means taking his girlfriend :).

The basics of cock blocking is simple you need to exploit your friends weakness in a way that makes his girlfriend look down on him and at the same time makes you look like a more eligable bachealor for her love :). Now I will tell you this method works better with new relationships, this is because they dont have much of a foundation and they are more suseptable of weaknesses. I would only try this method if you seriously are ready to take your friends girlfriend, if not dont try this.

One of the best ways to use cock block is to start talking to your friends girlfriend. You must have some sort of relationship with her so you can start your cock blocking games. Now traditionaly a cock block is acted out when your friend is trying to flirt with a girl in a club and you walk up to them and say "hey dude your ex wife said your kids need child support!". Get it? Its a way that makes the girl flee away but in our case its a bit different, we are using cock block technique to make your friends girlfriend fall for you. Its based on the same principles though so dont worry.

There is a pyshcology to doing this, a certain method must be made in order to be successful. Once you've established a relationship with talking to her when her bf isn't around you are on your way to start the fun. If you are pretty tight she may already trust you enough to tell her problems to you. Let me tell you, this is a golden oppurtunity not because she is telling you alot of winny stuff but the fact that she is pretty much volunteering information that lets you know they have a weakness.

For example she calls you up one night and lets you know that she got into a fight with your friend and yadda yadda. When this happens your duties are to always agree with her and be comforting(but heres where you sneak in) encourage her that things shouldn't be like that and that he is being stupid. Then during conversations slowly sneak in little things here and there that makes you look like a better guy than him. If she complains that he is cheap, you say "Yeah he is a cheapskate, I would totally take you out". The point of all this is to show her that you are a more eligable guy than your friend and over time this can and will work! Its all about persistance!

Now hopefully with all their fights they have been going through lately, encourage her to take a break from her bf(your soon to be exfriend). The reason you want to encourage her to take a break is so you can confort her and you guys can hang out, which really means you can gain experience with her and she will fall for you. Now in order to not seem to obvious with your intentions, make sure you dont move too fast on her. This is key! If you do move to fast she will add up your moves and call your bluff! You dont want her to catch on to your motives, so be subtle yet on a mission.

Have a goal and slowly get to that goal. As they are on the break hang out with her, take her places and let her know that its just a friends thing..Do this until you get a hint from her that she has some interest's in you. Again this is just like what I said above you want things to seem like they are her decisions but really we know your in control. So you want her to admit or show you in some physical way that she likes you. Once you get that sign you can slowly persue it and show her how great of a boyfriend you can be. By this time she will forget about her ex and you will be out a friend but in with the girl you wanted!

Here is a quick outline to understand what your moves to take your friends girlfriend:

  • Master the cockblock, while hanging with her and your friend make sure you make yourself desirable and stand out in a good way but not too cocky etc
  • Start building up a friendship with your friends girlfriend
  • Over time you will build up trust with her and she will soon come to you with her problems
  • From there you move in for the kill
  • You make yourself more desirable and agree with her point of veiws on complaits she has etc, this will make her feel like you guys are the same and that you have a connection
  • Compliment her, give her unique compliments like I convered in past articles(you can find them in the archives)
  • Make her feel special and do exactly what your friend doesn't do or give her, this will make you look like the better guy and she will rather be with you
  • Stay subtle and wait for her to give you a sign that she likes you, do not make the first move until you know that sign. If you need help figuring out that look at my body language article so you can pick up on those secret things girls do when they like you.
  • It is important to let her show you she likes you first because it makes things way less akward in the end with her and with your friend. If you made the first move and she rejected you, she could easily tell her bf and you would be screwed. We dont want this, be patients, be the better guy and you will shine as you make out with your friends girlfriend. :)

This also works better when you aren't too tight with your friend either, this isn't something you should attempt with one of your best friends because thats not worth messing up. When I say friend I mean someone you know of and atleast hangout with now and then but you deffinetly need to be friends with him in order to build a friendship with his girlfriend.

Other tips you can use that successfully works:
  1. Talk to her online, this can be less intimidating and is an easy way to start if you are shy
  2. Get her cell number, for girls to build trust you must spend time with them which means you can text her alittle every other day with something like "how are you doing" dont ever complain or talk about yourself too much. With time and consistency you can win a girl over easy.
  3. Make sure you put effort into bashing her boyfriend and let her know that you are on her side.
  4. Most likely if you become her boyfriend your friend will hate you and even might want to fight you, but this is expected. Brush it off and know that its worth it, you can show the girl a better time and you will treat her better. You are the better guy and she deserves the best!

Does she like me tip #4 Can ugly guys get hot girls?

Ugly guys cant get hot girls but ugly guys with certain attitudes and edge can and can out succeed anyone! So if you feel that you are in that oh so lovely "ugly" bracket, read read read.

Remember what I said in past articles, looks are only a small fraction of the picture to girls. Thank god if not the human race could not survive lol! With that said, looks don't matter all that much. You just need an interesting style, filled with confidence, cockiness and sweetness.

Go to the mall and walk around for 5 minutes, i guarantee you, you will find an odd looking couple where the guy looks ugly but the girl looks really hot. This is everywhere! It makes you wonder "What the hell am I doing wrong!" Some of those guys you would think paid the girls to hang out with them, or they bought some kind of magical pill that makes him get anyone he wants! But this is not the case he has something else and its not something you can buy its something that can be learned.

Well anyways when you see that odd couple what do you notice the guy has? Maybe good style maybe something distinct about him, he may be tall, short, has really big hair, is built etc. Those are the external things you will notice. So chances are he also has a good personality and this is what we want to focus on.

Good personality doesn't mean you have to a nice guy, in fact you should only focus on using an effective personality edge that makes you appear different kind of like something that stands out.

See those ugly guys you see with hot girls walking around in the mall have something really good on the inside and that is their personality. Personality is what sets you apart from the good looking guys and gets you dating the hot girls.

Now let me explain some personality traits you need to adopt to your personality:

Confidence is one of the most important things when it comes to getting a girlfriend etc. If you don't have any confidence which most of you guys may not(since you are here :)) you need to fake it till you make it. Meaning fake your confidence until you start getting the idea.

A good way to work on your confidence with women is start flirting with ugly girls. Flirting with ugly girls will let you experiment with ease, build up good techniques than move on to the hotties. Its best to do this because it gets used to whole idea and once you have the idea down there is no stopping you. You will realize when you have confidence everything comes easy even rejection. When you have confidence you can do whatever you want and not let fear control you.

Cockiness, that's right you need to be (a little) cocky. I say this because cockiness makes things interesting and competitive. Its challenging to the women and it keeps them hooked on to you.

Now being sweet within confident and cocky brings it all together, its the glue that holds it all as one. I say this because without a little bit of sweetie in you, you would be seen as a conceded ugly ass and that's not what we want. Being sweet completes the image because deep down you have to have a sweet spot for the women to want to get emotional with you. Being sweet is what wins there heart. Its the cherry on top. So focus on backing up everything you do by pure sweetness. Being sweet makes the girls know that you aren't a dick and you in fact do have a heart for them. Im going to go in detail with a certain game but for now focus on those 3 things!

Some bonus tips: Now that you got confidence, cockiness and sweetness down you need to find a physical edge to go along with it to attract the ladies. First you need to target what the ladies you like, like. What is attracting to the type of women you like? You need to know what the girls you are attracted to go after. Do you like girls that have tattoos? Then maybe you should show off some of your tattoo's. If the ladies you like are into sports dress like that. The most effective outside edge though is going to be coming from what you really like, this is going to make the easiest transition because it doesn't take much work lol. You are what you are but at the same time that may not attract the girls you want.

Physical attraction is like a billboard, you promote what you are about by how you dress and look. So focus on what will represent you as something datable and not a joke. You don't want girls to disrespect you, you want them to respect your authority as a guy. So act in such a manner that will get you respect. To do this you must give respect when necessary.

Don't think of these character traits as changes that need to be made but more as enhancements to what you already have.

Having some physical traits that are attracting will make it a little easier at first im not going to lie but once the girl gets to know you, your looks aren't going to do the relationship work, your personality is. So do as much as you can to adopt these personality traits. Work on your personality and the hot girls will fall in place for you with ease! Can ugly guys get hot girls, most certainly!

Coming soon: Advanced mini lesson #3 How to take your friends girlfriend

Does She Like Me Advanced mini lesson 2# Phone rules that will make you rule the ladies!

After getting a phone number of a girl you like it is really easy to want to call her the minute after you get it. This is almost a built in instinct but isn't the way to go. Ill tell you why.

Appearing desperate is in no way attractive and since we want to appear that we have a life other than just calling girls numbers we get from clubs we wait it out. Waiting it out is important because it gets the target (the girl) thinking about you and wondering if you are going to call her. This build anticipation and this is very attracting to girls. This is an introduction to "playing hard to get" which i will go a lot further in detail in later articles but first lets digest the basic principle.

Say that you went to a bar saw a cute girl, got her number and an hour later you called her..Its too quick and too desperate so when I say wait it out really wait it out. Ill explain why below.

Doing this also creates mystery and like I said above it makes you look unavailable(cool,awesome, you have a life etc). Think about if a girl asked you for your number and she didn't call you right away, you would be wondering and waiting like a little puppy for someone to call you. This is what you want the girl to do.

Okay so now that you have the basic idea down, ill explain what time frame is right. but first im going to explain your goals of calling back in the first place.

You are calling her because you want to hang out with her and get to know her better and eventually go on a date. A good time frame in which to wait out is 2 days nothing more nothing less and don't wuss up and not call her at all, remember the goal here is get the experience of calling and you wont get that if you wuss out. You owe it to her after 2 days of solid waiting to call her so do it!

Additional phone rules to use during the phone call:

  • When she asks you "whats up?", don't ever say nothing. This is extremely boring and again it makes you look like you have nothing better to do. If you aren't doing anything interesting and you are in fact bored by any means make something up! lol This makes it a lot more entertaining to the listener plus the attraction meter goes higher!
  • Keep conversation short and straight to the point. Your main goal is to get another date worked out so you can talk in person and then go from there.
  • Be the one to end the conversation first after around 5-10 minutes find a nice closing spot that either gets you a date or tell her you will call her later.
  • Leaving messages is also a last resort because like I said above you want to make her think you have better things to do than waste your precious time leaving messages but if you absolutely have to make it short and don't ramble on and on. Make sure you have a point to calling and let her know what your point is!

You see the whole reason to do all this is to stand out and enhance your image so you appear more attractive busy and cool to the girl. If you follow this lesson i guarantee you will have some success in it and she will be loving it. Heck you might even realize some of your negative patterns you used in your past relationships and how doing what you did ended up failing on you. Its a little different to grasp your head around this but once you get results you will be thanking me. So do it, do it, do it till its automatic and soon you wont even have to think about it. You will seem interesting and exclusive and that's what girls are after. Make her work for it :)

As you can see im rolling into more advance tips, there will be more on playing hard to get later. Get out there and practice what you learned!


Coming soon: Can ugly guys get hot girls?

Does she like me Advanced mini lesson #1: Attract Girls Using Props

Now I know what your thinking using props to attract girls??? Yes props, the things actors hold on stage. In a sense yes there is a little bit of acting involved in this technique but before I get into that lets first dive into what props are and how you can effectively use them to your advantage to attract girls.

A prop is something you carry that strikes conversation. It represents what you are about, kind of like a mini advertisement for yourself. I know it sounds simple but this is a very effective thing to get girls to strike conversations with you. Its pretty easy once you get the idea.

The good thing about carrying props is that most of the time it gets the girl (your target) talking to you first so really you don't have to do much work, only carrying around your prop of choice. A prop can be anything from an umbrella to a famous novel, they are strictly things that make yourself look like you are interesting/attractive. So interesting in fact that girls will strike up conversations with you. This technique works a lot better when you are consistently in the same place where your target (the girl) is. Meaning at work, at church etc. I'm not saying you cant do it with complete strangers but its easier to do when you have time around the girl. Ill explain below.

Picking a prop is all about strategy and a little planning. I would not choose to carry around a book if I never read it because the girl may ask you about the book. So try to pick something you know a little bit about or something you actively like/participate in.

If you know a bit about your target already (this is important) you can figure out what to bring based on what she likes. For example if she is into soccer, wear a soccer jersey, if she likes a certain band wear a t-shirt with that band on it, You get it? You need to pick props that will identify you with something familiar for her and that strikes an interest.

Girls believe in the whole fate thing and if a random guy shows up with something off the wall that they are interested in, they will think its fate and will want to know more about you. This is where the whole them coming to you thing plays out. This is also so effective because it makes the girl think that it was her idea to talk to you and it keeps things really low key.

Im going to do a mock conversation on how it can work for you:

*Scene* (You are in your office break room making coffee in your metocre bruce springstien shirt you recently bought)

(You see that the girl you like is coming near the coffee maker.)

Her: "I like your shirt!"
You: "Oh thanks Bruce is awesome, have you ever been to any oh his shows?"
Her: "No but I'd love to go to one"
You: "Me too in fact I believe hes coming into town next week, we should go!"
Her: "That would be awesome, here's my my email address/phone number. Let me know more about it!"

You walk away with confidence as you think to yourself, "damn that was like taking candy from a baby!"

Now I know that was a little dream like but hey it can work like this, you may not get a phone number or email address right off the bat but it will get you in her head, which is half the battle. You will be amazed on what you can do with just the opening to a first conversation using a prop. From that moment on you can then approach her because you now have something in common and there will always be something there for you to say or ask her. You've opened up a golden opportunity, its the beginning of a great thing.

Additional prop tips and rules:
  • Dont flash the prop around too much its to obvious that way, you want the prop to do all the work for you. Being subtle is key.
  • If she doesn't show up in certain area's the first day dont give up, consitency is key. The more you use the prop around the more chance you will cross her path and she will notice you.
  • If you work in an office, walk by her cubicle (after hours) and see if she has anything which shows any interests you could possibly use for your prop. If she has something that stands out and can prop-able use it!
So think about it what does the girl that you are interested in like? Wrestling, Starbucks coffee, Ipod's? Study your target figure out what she likes, pick your prop, get her talking to you, get the girl.

Until next time -Trizz

Coming soon: Advanced mini lesson #2 Dating phone rules, Dont you think about calling her the first night

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Does she like me tip #4 How to really succeed at a first date on a budget

Having a successful first date all comes down to your objectives, what are you trying to accomplish with this date? Depending on what you want is what you should do. If you want success and a long-term girlfriend you need to make sure you follow these tips. There's a time to impress and there a time to be real, first dates require a bit of both but more on the real side if you are going for a long-term relationship but I'll get to that in a minute.

To have a good first date you must put in a little bit of preparation. No this doesn't mean you need to take hours out of your day or spend a lot of money. In fact you don't want to spend that much money at all. I will explain this a little later on why but first lets dive into some date preparation.

First off lets talk about your looks. You are going to want to look sharp but lets not overdue it. I say that because yes looks are important don't get me wrong but you want to have your personality be the best thing you have going for you because that's what wins people over. Good looks are just an added bonus. We all know this to be true, there is some good looking women but do they have nice personality, heck no! So stay away from solely relying on looks because looks don't matter as much in the long-term scheme of things.

I got off topic a bit there but what I said is important. Depending on if its a blind date or you already know this girl, Simply look your best but not too far off from how you would normally dress. The only exceptions are if you are going to a fancy restaurant and as you may not know this is bad for a first date. Simply because its highly pressured, awkward, stuffy and its not good enough atmosphere for great conversation. What i recommend is going to a nice coffee place having a cup of coffee, sitting in a nice comfy seat and just have fun talking and getting to know each other. This will be more effective than going on 5 dates at fancy restaurants and its cheaper too!

The whole point of going on dates is to learn as much as you can about the girl so you can figure out if you want to invest in any more time with her or move on. That is the purpose so get down with talking talking and more talking. This approach is much better because you aren't going to waste each-others time, you will easily realize that shes not for you after one long coffee date, in fact i guarantee it! Once you realize the true reason for going on dates you will start to get it. This is where a lot of guys go wrong, they do all the cliche things to impress but it doesn't hold any real substance, its the BS way to do dates. None of that flashy stuff ends up getting you the girl, it just wastes time, funds and its an easy way to get used.

A girl that you want to date is one that would be happy to go to McDonald's. Seriously this is the type of girl you want! Low maintenance is key! No you don't have to be a cheapskate and im not saying you should be but just be conscious on what you want. Know you don't want to have to always have to impress her she should be content just to be hanging out with you, because you are a cool guy. Having that attitude on the date along with making her feel special is a good game plan. Everything with moderation!

Budget dating can be really interesting because it instantly makes you creative and creativity is where its at to keep a girl interested. You know how people say they would rather have a hand written card then a store bought one? Its works the say with dates, get creative and she will love you for it trust me! Instead of going to the entertainment (movies and expensive shows), you are the entertainment so keep it interesting random but not too random where its creepy or you are seen as unstable :).

Okay that was a lot of rambling but again very necessary details that I will go in further detail later! So anyways getting back focused with the date, here is the game plan:

  • First look sharp but don't go too far from your natural style you want to show an polished yet accurate version of yourself because it shows the real you and you want her to like the real you.
  • Put on the clothes you feel comfortable with. Pick her up of course, open her door for her(make her feel special give her a nice UNIQUE compliment when you first see her)
  • Use what you learned in the recent articles about body language, actions and using the various techniques from "Going from a friend to a boyfriend". Doing this is vital! I mean VITAL don't bother reading any more if you haven't read those short guides first as these are going to be special advantages during the date, giving you an unstoppable edge
  • During date make sure not to talk to much about yourself, this isn't all about you its about your girl you are pursuing so if you really want to pursue her ask questions about her! It only makes sense!
  • The first date is going to be a little nerve racking at first but this is something that will pass soon so take in those feelings and bask yourself in it, as its not going to be lasting long.
  • Make sure to pay for her coffee or dinner depending on what you decided.
  • I'm going to reiterate about where to take her on the date. Dinners is too much eating and face it no ones going to be actually eating the food. You and your date are going to be far to nervous to indulge in the steak dinner you decided to order.
  • Going to the movies can be fun but its not too engaging as far as getting to know each other, stick to face to face things this is pretty romantic. Get creative! If the dates going good take her to the park afterwords or something intellectually engaging.
  • Dont kiss her on the first date even though its tempting, you have to fight it. It sounds lame but you do this because its romantic. If you want kiss her cheek, this will keep her wondering and will keep her on the edge(which will make her think about you all night). Another reason why not to kiss her on the first date is because it creates mystery and is attractive, it keeps her guessing.
  • Be unpredictable, i cant stress that enough you dont want her to be able to predict every move you make.
Lastly have low expectations, have fun. There is nothing to loose and a lot to gain. This is the way to think when it comes to first dates, its the thinking that will provide you with the least negative emotions. If it works it works, dating is like a puzzle piece if you and her don't fit, you cant make it fit. Its gotta be mutual like Koolaid and water. Both people provide a vital ingredient to a very yummy recipe!

I hope this helps a lot, until next time - trizz

Coming soon: Advanced mini lesson #1: Attract Girls Using Props

Does she like me tip #3 Going from a friend to a boyfriend

Its always hard to be just a friend to a girl you like more than a friend. It straight up hurts but you can easily change this by doing a few things. Now im just going to tell you know these things take guts, confidence and you have to be willing to risk your friendship but it will be far worth it in the end.

First thing you want to remember is do this little by little, coming on too strong is going to freak her out. It needs to be a gradual thing that get stronger and stronger over time as you can tell its working.

Okay now that I paved some guidelines for you lets get right into this:

Flirting. You need to flirt with her. Now if you don't know what flirting is I will tell you. Flirting is a way of showing how much you like her in small hints that entertain and influence her mind. Now that may sound complicated but its really just showing an interest or showing that you like her without saying it, its all about subtle hints. Flirting can be really really fun especially when you get your target(the girl you like) to flirt back which is your goal. I'm not just saying you should flirt because its something to do, Its something that is necessary to acquire attraction and you need her to be attracted to you to break out of the friend mode.

There are advanced techniques but I will write about those later, we are going to focus on the basics. The more you use flirting the better chance you will get really smooth at it and it will become second nature. So practice everywhere you are at!

With flirting you need to give a little and see what happens because its no fun to be the only one flirting especially if you are trying to get this girl. If she flirts back you continue, if not you just lay low and try again some other time.

A good starting technique of flirting is teasing. Now for an example of teasing is making fun of her. Go out of your way while you hang out with her and tease her. Depending on the situation of course, Say something like "I bet i can X better than you" and when she comes back with "pshh I bet i can beat you at that!" once you get her going you are in! As you see with flirting you kind of have to build it up and set things right before you begin. Just as you set the example above that's what it takes to flirt. From there it can be really fun and playful, don't get discouraged if you fail at first it happens and you will soon overcome that by doing it over and over. Repetition is your greatest friend in the flirting game as well as everything else you do in life.

Another nice beginners technique that is within flirting is giving unique compliments. Saying something that is creative and you can guarantee no one has ever said to her. The reason why you would do this is because it makes your target feel special and its more genuine than saying "you look pretty". That is lame you must come with something way better than that! A unique compliment that points out something that makes her feel pretty can drastically change your friend status to boyfriend overnight, depending on how effective you are with it. For example: "I really like the way you matched your shirt with your shoes" this is a winner every time. Unique compliments work because you are taking notice, and girls love to be noticed that is the whole reason they get dressed nice! So try giving a really unique compliment and see how she reacts. Note, this is something you want to abuse, the more you use it the less effective it gets. Use it sparingly maybe once every other time you see her.

The next way of flirting is using keno. Keno is just a fancy word for using touch for attraction. Sometimes being touched can strike up emotions and may even make your target realize they like you too. To do this you want to touch her during conversation and no i don't mean grabbing that's creepy. If she says something funny lightly touch her on the shoulder as you are laughing.
To use keno effectively goes the same as compliments, use it sparingly and don't overdue it especially if the girl isn't reacting good when you use keno. As we learned in the body language tip you must be conscious of her body language to figure out if the keno is working. If she is using keno right after you do than this is a easy sign, you are in man! On the flip side If she isn't touching you back during conversations and you notice her backing up from you than just refrain from doing such things it may be too much too soon but if it works, more power to you. If you can master all 3 of these teachings you will soon be a boyfriend and no more just a friend and you will know the answer to the question "does she like me"!

If you keep trying and aren't getting any good results and she is showing clear signs through body language aswell as verbally, dump it and try something else or move on to someone else. :)

Coming soon Does she like me: Tip #4 "Setting up the perfect first date"

Until then later - Trizz

Does she like me tip #2 Its all about girls actions

Actions, actions, actions its what makes the world go round. Wait what's an action and how does that let me know if she likes me?

First off actions take effort! They are things that you do when you are in any given situation or in our case pre-dating. Now since we are talking about women lets talk about girls actions while dating.

Think about it, when you like something don't you put a lot of effort into it? Of course you do, its what you like therefor what you want to invest time into.

To figure out if she likes you, you must think about her actions and work involved in the relationship thus far. How is she acting towards you right now?

  • Calls you first? - Does she call you first or are you always the one trying to get to her to hang out? You want her to call you some of the time because then you know she has a desire and is taking action investing time in you.
  • Does she laugh when you say funny things? - Laughing is dating currency, if you can get her laughing you know she likes you. Some girls will even laugh at anything you say if they like you. This makes sense, people don't just laugh with anyone, they laugh with people they have an interest with. Would you laugh with someone you didn't have any remote interest in, probably not!
  • Does she spend quality time with you or are someone she wants to hang out with when her friends aren't around? - You should be at least if not more of a priority than her friends. That's if she truly likes you.
  • Pay close attention to this one - effort. Is she putting a lot of effort into wanting to see you and hang out with you? 1-10 what is her effort right now?
  • Does she repeat your name multiple times in conversations? - This can be a nice secret sign that she likes you indeed and it will make you know whats up.

So look for her actions because it speaks louder than words. If you do this you will know if she likes you without a doubt!

Coming soon Does she like me tip #3 A game that will get you from friend to boyfriend

till then seeya -Trizz

Does she like me tip #1 Body language

"Does she like me?" is quite possibly the most common question when it comes to dating. Sometimes we just have no clue! Lets face it, It can really be a confusing thing trying to figure out if a girl you like, likes you back.

When it comes to dating the one of the most valuable things you can do to figure out if she likes you is body language. I think a lot of guys forget about this when they think about women. In reality Body language is more than 50% of a conversation its probably close to 75%! Its a hidden language that is a true way of telling you if she likes you. Note: once you know how to read her body language you will really start to master it, and over time you will have success to see if she really likes you or not. This can be a road map for us idiots!

Body language signs to tell if she likes you:

  • Eye contact- does she hold eye contact for long periods of time during with you in conversations or does she look away into the distance uncomfortably?
  • Arms and legs- Is her arms and legs crossed or in awkward positions? Or are they relaxed? You want them to be relaxed!
  • Posture check- Is she leaning towards you or away? You want this to be towards you!
  • Space- Does she let you in her space? Does she let you get close to her or away?
  • Does she touch you while talking? Think about it people don't go touching anyone, if she is touching you in conversation chances are she likes you!

So next time you ask yourself "does she like me?" think about her body language and you can never go wrong!

Coming soon: Does she like me tip 2# Its all about girls actions

Does she like me?!

Hello and welcome to Does she like me! This site is about gaining knowledge and using it to your advantage to figure out if she is infact really does like you! So come join me!